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will the update come today?

I think so. In the worst case, it will come tomorrow.


Looks like it's going to be a really good game once fully fledged out. Beginnings always the slowest so stick with it and I can definitely see this game blowing up. 

(2 edits)

I’ve got the bug after finding magic Crystal

I also had the situation when before finding girl’s pouch I could train with her and there were the same dialog twice (during the first talk with her and after finding her stuff).

I am aware of those bugs, luckily you can just choose to ignore them, I will fix them in the next update, sorry for the inconvenience. ^^

There’s another typo. In Alis’s room it’s written “Go too…”, the second “o” is that mistake. Maybe you know about it or not.

it doesnt matter bro,just hf

I wanted to ask if this game doesn't have sound or if this is a bug in my game?

No sounds

im a little lost. seems i can only get a handjob. both girls in the house dont seem to go anywhere (can constantly talk about academy to mia, alis gives me no talk options)

(2 edits) (+1)

it is intriguing to say the least defiantly interested too see where this goes i cant give an in depth feedback as there wasn't much too go on but i feel things that i believe are a must have if you going too succeed are an event tracker or quest log of some sort something with some direction so people know what too do or what they have left too do also so they know when the current content is finished if your gonna have an item grind of sorts and money system to buy goods having a inventory too track items and money is a good thing as well also seeing as you have a day cycle having something in place like a day counter with what time of day (aka morning evening night or what not) or just have a time of day cycle would be great to track what time of day it is this will be really useful if you have event  that only happen at certain times of the day or certain days so basically most quality of life things other then that animations where really good and smooth and story was pretty good i guess i put more then i thought i would lol


What did you use to make the game?


Renpy for the game.

koikatsu studio for graphics.


will Breast Expansion come in the  wide future?

The game seems to have lots of potential. The girls are hot so cant wait to see more, just a shame theres not much right now but excited for more


There’s a mistake in a word “evEning”, that is shown in the upper-left corner of the game screen. It’s a nice game so far. I saw two scenes (foot and hand), two sleeping ones and in spa. I do love more sleep scenes and pregnancy). I’ll be waiting for them. In such game there must be some quest window or events tracker, so players can see what to do in the game. That’s the first version of game, and there’s only a few events. But later their number will increase and some players won’t find them all. MC can earn money, but player can’t see his current savings. Good luck in making the game.

Thanks for reporting errors and some nice advices. ^^

how do you make money tho? He just said there is a way?

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